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Online EMDR Therapy


1 h
120 British pounds

Service Description

What Is EMDR? “Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a form of psychotherapy in which the person being treated is asked to recall distressing images while generating one type of bilateral sensory input, such as side-to-side eye movements or hand tapping.[1] It is included in several guidelines for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)” - Wikipedia EMDR was founded by Dr Francine Shapiro who explained that EMDR “is another form of psychology”; that it is “an information processing therapy” and that the route of the problems are dysfunctionally stored in the memory. In other words when we experience a traumatic situation, the memory of that situation is not stored in an organised manner as a pleasant memory would have been stored. What conditions are EMDR compatible with? Although EMDR is mostly know to be applied to the experience of Post-Traumatic Stress disorder, Dr Shapiro explains that as it also helps with “highly disturbing general life experience” experiences of trauma during early childhood which has been stored in memory in a dysfunctional way. For example, when someone has presented with debilitating social or performance anxiety or body dysmorphic disorder, it has sometimes ben traced back to a traumatic childhood experience of being humiliated, bullied or shamed. This she called the “small t” (small trauma) and the PTSD as the “big T” (could be physical assault or other). They are both as important when applying EMDR. She also explained that as EMDR also helps with other aspects of psychotherapy and psychology, it can be and has been applied to other problematic issues below: Complex Trauma and dissociation Post Natal Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Body Dysmorphic Disorder Panic Disorder Phobia Social / Performance Anxiety Anger Addiction Grief Studies, researches and my professional experience have shown that EMDR is very effective for the above conditions.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation may be made 24 hours before the appointment. Appointments cancelled after this period (less than 24 hours) will be charged in full. Payment method is via PayPal on the website, bank transfer and if the session is face-to-face, then you can pay on a Pin Card reader with your debit or credit card. Payments from individuals (clients and supervisions) will be received in advance at the beginning of each session. Payments from from organisations will be received after invoice is provided. In the event that a private health care plan is being used to fund your treatment, therapy will commence after approval in writing has been received from the private health care organisation or you are able to provide the relevant authorization code. This is a pay as you go service and you as you go only.

Contact Details

+ 07814234372

SE8 London REDISCOVER RESILIENCE - CBT & EMDR Therapy Limited, Glenville Grove, London, UK

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