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What is online therapy?

This is a secure professional psychological service (Psychotherapy, counselling, EMDR) for mental health issues online, via online software with real-life chat and skype and email. Some therapists also use teletherapy via telephone.


The online therapy replaces the face-to-face meetings in an office therapy room.


Benefits of online therapy

This is beneficial for anyone who would like to do therapy in the comfort of their own how or private space which could be anywhere you are in the world. It saves travelling and it’s cost, it saves worry about where to park and being late for your therapy and worry about meeting a new stranger which is a normal feeling when you have never me this therapist before.


It is beneficial for those who might have had face to face therapy before and came out feeling worse with anxiety. This has been seen mostly with people with excruciating social anxiety and moderate to severe depression. This does not apply to all those people with these diagnoses though. Face to face however can be good if you have built more confidence to talk and express yourself.


Online therapy is useful for people with Agoraphobia, especially at the early stage of treatment when it initially focuses on learning how to cope with the distressing anxiety and cognitive restructuring to help you identify, challenge and adapt your thinking. It is also good for exposure work (behavioural experiment) where you feel more confident about carrying out behavioural experiment work that is associated with your anxiety.


It is beneficial for those who are home bound (Elderly, disabled, difficulties going on public transport, etc) for any reason and cannot come out for therapy. It means they do not have to be on a long waiting list before their issues can be worked on.


The initial telephone assessment tends to break the barrier of overwhelming anxiety about seeing a therapist; provided therapeutic alliance and collaboration are applied.


It is also beneficial as you can leave a message for the therapist who will get back to you within 24hrs. It is flexible with a appointments and the treatment is adapted to your needs.


Online is just as good as face to face and covers all areas of therapy.


EMDR has also been applied online and there are a lot of research and studies confirming that it works. With EMDR, it will be important for you to be in a very private and quiet setting. 


How it works online

In the first instance, our first communication and assessment will either be on the telephone or skype; which helps to make sure we do not miss any important area that needs to be treated.


When after assessment you have decided to go ahead with treated, we will organised available appointment days for your therapy sessions to meet your tailored needs.






Tel: +447814234372

Opening Hours:

Monday: 9am - 4pm

Tuesday: 10am -7pm

Wednesday: 10am - 5pm

Thursday: 10am - 7pm

Friday: 10am - 7pm

​​Saturday: 10am - 4pm â€‹

Sunday: Closed

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